Monday, February 2, 2009

The PRs Continue!

WOW! Can my Monday test days get any better?!?!?!

I hope they continue. I got 2 more PRs with my Jerks and Snatches. Here is what I did...

Warm Up: Deadlifts 135,145,135 (I am starting to train for the TSC in April so I am just greasing the groove right now)

Jerks w/ 12kg (6rpm) 7 min (4R, 3L) I really wanted to do 8min but my left is much weaker than my right. But like BJ says, at that time it is all mental. Next Monday will be 8 or more!

Snatches w/ 8kg (15rpm) 8min = 120 snatches. Very happy with this b/c I couldn't get past the 6 min all week! YEAH ME!!!

Now you are probably saying..."That's it!?!?!" Yes!!! My neuro system is a bit fried! This is a lot more work than it looks! Later today I am going to do a slow jog just to get the blood flowing and tomorrow I will do some nice stretching.

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