Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Day After Turkey Day!

I hope everyone had a great Turkey day! BJ and I didn't do anything. I had to work the night before and on Thanksgiving so I slept most of the day.

My training has been going great so far this week. I haven't really posted due to it is just the same over and over. Jerks, Snatches, Swings and running.

Yesterday (Thursday) was suppose to be an OFF day but I didn't get my running in on Wednesday so BJ and I went running yesterday. It was so nice outside, 72 degrees! With this training program I will be taking 2 days OFF and making sure I get 5 days of training in. Right now the program is not super intense so 5 days will not burn me out.

Tomorrow I plan on going for a long run, hopefully 4.5 miles at an eight min/mile pace.

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Training Program

Started my new training today and it went well.

Warm up: Z health

**All done with a 12kg Kettlebell

Run for 30min and then took the dog for a 20min walk

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Love Sundays

Taking today off. But after my long run yesterday and starting a new training regime tomorrow I am going to be stretching A LOT today! My hamstrings are still fried from the long swing workout and running so need to get those back.

I am not going to go into great detail of what my new training is going to be, but I will say that Kettlebells and running are going to be my main source of exercise. I will blog about what I am doing for the next 6 weeks. My goal is to lose some fat and also some of the muscle I put on during the summer. I am working my way on to losing 20 pounds. I would say about 10 will be fat and the other 10 will be muscle. See this past summer I was doing a lot of deadlifting, squating, pressing, and pull ups. Along with all the lifting I was eating a lot more too. Muscle needs fuel. I got where I wanted to be with the deadlifting, the squating, etc. so now it is time to lean out.

Usually fall/winter is a time where people who are into training will let loose and put on some extra pounds so they can lift more or get PRs (personal records), but this year it is different for me. I am going to lean out.

As of this morning I weigh 143lbs and fit into a size 4 jeans. My goal is 120-122lbs and fit into a size 2-4. I am only 5'3" so I will not look guant or discustingly skinny at this weight. I have been there before so I know my body will be ok.

So follow me through the next 6 weeks and see how I do!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

4 miles

I don't know why but I have been on this running kick lately. And to be honest...I don't like running. But today I decided to do a long run, well at least for me, and I ran for 4 miles. I didn't time it, just did it.

My hamstrings are still sore from the 45 min of swings the other day, running didn't really stretch them out so I am going to have BJ do it for me.

Anyways, some other things going on is the "Look Great Naked Boot Camp" classes that BJ and I are holding. We have some great campers that show up as early as 6am! If you are interested in a Boot Camp that offers a diverse list of exercises, lots of fun, and great instructors with incredible knowledge...oh and you live in the Frisco, Plano, Little Elm of The Colony area, please go to the link above and try us out. YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!!!

Till next time...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

45 min of Swings

Today I wanted to do a Kettlebell Swing workout that would be long and not quite as intense as I have been doing. This is what I did..

Warm up: Z-health

Workout: 45 min of 1 min on/1 min off swings with 12kg

Cool Down: Stretch

Ok so not rocket science or very creative but it was challenging. I really concentrated on being as tight as I could with every swing.

Tomorrow will be different. I work tonight, but I will have not only an intense workout, but I am going to run and then probably walk for about 2 hours.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday, Novermber 18th

It has been exactly 4 weeks since I last did this workout. So the question is...was my time better? Well let's see...

Box Jumps (12")
Push Presses w/ 12kg
Jumping Pull ups
Sit ups

Time: 18:45!
2.5 min faster than the last time I did this workout!!!

I felt very strong today and felt I could beat my old time. I think this will be a workout I do every 4 weeks and see just how fast I can get!

Then I came back from the gym and ran some intervals. 1 min jog/1 min sprint for 18min.

One more thing, I am training a woman named Leanne who is trying to get back to her pre-baby figure. I am blogging on Train Like A Girl about it the whole 3 months so please feel free to follow her on her amazing journey!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jogging Under the Stars!

Nothing feels better than getting up at 5am and going for a morning jog. It is still dark outside but nobody is around, no traffic really to worry about and the moon and stars are still out.


Today is suppose to be my off day, but I wasn't able to go for my scheduled run yesterday due to the fact I hadn't slept in over 24 hours! I did manage to get my conditioning workout in along with a 2 hour walk. After that I had to take a nap of some kind and then I went to bed at 8pm! Right after the new 90210 (ha!).

I am going shopping with my mom today so walking will be involved, but I feel really good today so I may just throw in another run or a long walk. We will see where the day takes me!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November already!

WOW! I can't believe it is November already! I have been pretty busy this past weekend with work, but I still maintained my training!

For those of you who don't know, I not only work with my husband BJ on our fitness coaching business, but I am also a Respiratory Therapist, who works night shift. 7pm-7am. And no matter what anybody says, working nights NEVER gets easy and your body NEVER gets used to it. But the best part of working nightshift are the people I work with. I LOVE my coworkers!

I have always said that people who work night shift (sometimes call the "graveyard shift") are of a special breed. At night, at least at the hospitals I have worked at, people are much calmer. The nurses, doctors, Resp. Therapists, etc are more laid back. I like that. But anyways, yesterday after my shift ended I met BJ at our facility and he put me through a workout. Here is what I did...

Warm up: Z

20 2hand swings w/ 16kg Kettlebell
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Squat thrusts

Start each round at the top of 2:30min and go for 25min

Now it doesn't look like much, and I kind of laughed at it under my breath when BJ showed it to me. Well, all I can say is I didn't have much breath when I was done! That is one aspect I love about BJ's workouts he comes up with...they don't look like much, but they will kill ya!

Then we came home and went for an hour long walk and later it was so nice outside I had to go for a run. Just a short 27min run to get the blood flowing.

Today (Wednesday) will be an OFF day. BJ and I just got back from an hour long walk with our dog Riley and maybe if it stops raining this afternoon we will go for one more.