Sunday, October 25, 2009

Awesom strength!

It has only been 2 weeks and I can not only feel, but see my strength skyrocket!

My Sumo dead lifts are going up nicely and my presses are getting better. I am also excited about my squats because not only am I getting stronger with them, I am getting lower...ASS TO GRASS!!

As for my fat loss, scale is not showing it but clothes are getting loser. I do think my thyroid is messed up again. I am taking 1-2 naps a day and sleeping at night and still tired...yep my thyroid is messed up.

Otherwise, I changed up my diet a little. Still the same concept of what I was doing, just a little different.

Till next time...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Feeling and Seeing the Results

All I can say is that I am working harder than I have in a long time with my training!!! I know we have all been there before where because you like a certain way of training/working out (like KB swings or running) you don't push yourself as hard as usual. Your body gets used to the exercise and well then...nothing! No weight loss, no muscle development, nothing!

So I changed it up drastically and I am totally seeing the results and totally loving it!

For the past week I have been doing A LOT of strength....
deadlifts, squats, presses and bench pressing

I do one lift a day, 4 days a week and after that one lift, I do assistance work and then conditioning.

Lots of fun, Lots of work!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Program...New Soreness

BJ has started me on a new strength program this week and for the first time in a long time my muscles are sore!!! Now let me make this clear, I am not in pain, my muscles are sore. It feels great! And the best part about is soooooooo simple!

I have come to the realization that as I get older and experience new things, I don't need to make things complicated. Life is too complicated sometimes to worry about my workout being complicated!

Here is a little sample of what I have been doing this week...

Monday: Presses...lots of military presses!
Tuesday: Running intervals.
Today: Will be deadlifting and conditioning

See simple but affective!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Back to it

So I have not blogged in about 4 months. Basically have not had time and have not really had much to talk about. I am going to start again. Don't know if anyone will read I am doing this more for myself and to just be able to get things out.

For those of you who don't know my husband and I have our own fitness facility here in Frisco. Full Throttle Athletics. Because we have been doing so well over the past 3 months I was able to quit my full time job as a respiratory therapist, working night shift by the way, and do training for others full time. Very happy about that. Not happy about how my fitness/body comp has become from working all those night shifts and not getting the training I should have in. I am very disappointed in myself but in now way shape or form am I going to roll over and give up.

Over the past 2 weeks I have up'd my training tremendously and started a new way of eating. I am not going to go into the nutrition part right now because it is still in it's testing phase and we are not ready to release it to everyone. But I can say my training is going great. Concentrating on deadlifts, presses, pull ups, Kettlebell swings, and overall conditioning work. I will post some of my training, but to be honest...not much. It's not secret..just don't know how exciting posting a workout would be for you!

Tell next time...
Train Hard...Train Like A Girl!