Thursday, February 12, 2009

This Past Week....

WOW, I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted...sorry. One of the reasons was because I just finished a long 6 night stretch of working and when I work that much my life is, sleep, workout, eat, etc. I have really been trying to increase my sleep hours to a minimum of 8 hours and even more if I feel I need it. This is to let my body heal and also recover from my AWESOME training sessions.

Well over the past week and a half I have lost another 2 pounds, so a total of 12 so far! WOO-HOO!! And I have been going up on my Jerk and Snatch numbers. I have been feeling awesome and really enjoying my training. I am the first to admit...I don't always like to or want to train. But I do because I know in the end I have a goal and when I reach that goal, whatever it may be, I will be happy.

Today is just going to be a grease the groove day with my Jerks and Snatches. And because it is going to be at least 70 out today I will have to go for a run.

Till next time...

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