Thursday, March 5, 2009

WOW!!! I SUCK!!!

At least this is what I was thinking as I was running today!

No I didn't have a bad run, really, what I mean by that title is that my form is HORRENDOUS!!! I knew it wasn't up to par, but today I decided to run in my Vibram 5-finger shoes and found out just how band I truly am!

For those of you who don't know what Vibram 5-finger shoes are go here. They are WAY cool and feel funky when you walk in them. So today I tried running in them to see how I would run in "bare feet" which is actually better for you than the hundreds of dollars some shoes cost. Plus my arches are really high, so running in "bare feet" will help them.

Well all I can say is running in them showed me just how bad my form really is! I felt like I had never ran before in my life! But I am glad, this is why I did it to really see what I needed to work on. Also, I tend to walk and run like a duck sometimes, with my feet out...this showed just how bad.

I will say it took a little to get used to, but I like it. I am going to be wearing them a lot more with walking, running and just doing little crap around the house. I am interested to see how my running form improves and how my feet will adapt.

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