Monday, April 27, 2009

Mrs.Texas 2009

Yesterday, April 26th, BJ and I had the pleasure of going to the 2009 Mrs.Texas beauty pageant to watch our friend and client Jennifer Johnson represent our town of Frisco.

Neither of us have ever been to a pageant so we really didn't know what to expect. It was actually a lot of fun and we had a great time!

Unfortunately, Jennifer did not win. That was really upsetting to all of us (her family and friends) because we really thought she had it in the bag. She looked FABULOUS in her swim suit and just STUNNING in her evening gown. She did stumble a little on the first question, but came back strong with the second.

Jennifer placed 3rd Runner-up, but the really great part was they had an award for the "Best body in a swim suit" (not sure what the exact award is), AND SHE WON!!!! Hands down she had the best body there! Jennifer was the only one who actually looked like she had muscle and was fit. BJ and I were so proud of that because that is why she hired BJ on for...make her look H-O-T in a bikini! Oh and she got this award after having 2 kids!!!!

Even though Jennifer did not win Mrs.Texas, I can tell you she worked harder than ANY of the other contestants. Whether it be on her body, her mind or her soul. She is the epitome of what Mrs.Texas should be.

BJ and I could not be more proud of Jennifer and how hard she has worked. I have never seen someone with such determination and strong will to get a job done. Oh and by the way...she only worked with BJ for 8 weeks!!! I don't know what Jennifer is going to move onto next. She will hold the title of Mrs.Frisco for the rest of the year, and who knows...maybe she will give Mrs.Texas one more shot!

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