Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hair Sample Analysis

It is amazing what you can find out with a few hair samples and a test...

For awhile now BJ and I have been looking into more holistic ways of taking care of ourselves and less at the traditional Western medication. Funny thing is I work in a hospital and use Western medication on my patients all the time.

But I digress...

About a month ago BJ met PJ Wilson, DC and over dinner starting telling PJ about my lovely battle with Hypothyroidism. How I just can't find a way to keep my levels right and how some days I feel good, but most days I don't. PJ gave BJ a couple of ideas to start off with and told BJ we should do a hair sample analysis to see what has been going on with our bodies for the past few months. So we did and let me just say it was an eye opener!

PJ could tell things about me by the hair analysis that I had been feeling and going through and not take any blood! As I said above, I work in a hospital and we tell everything by people's blood. Most of the things PJ found out with the hair analysis were the same symptoms I had been dealing with and had doctors tell me it was all in my head!

PJ is prescribing a number of things to not only help get rid of the bad stuff, but also increase the good stuff. I will let you know how it is all going in a couple of weeks.

Now I just want to make sure everyone knows I am not telling everyone to stop seeing their "Western Med" docs and find a "different" type of doctor. But if you are not getting the results you need...get a second opinion!


Diana said...

You still havin' trouble getting that under control-hey??
May I add two words?? Velvet Antler!
I have to admit, I do not take meds if I can get away from it, can't remember the last tylenol I took! You should know from working at FMLH to NEVER trust these damn 'western docs'! Don't tell me you forgot how Ken practices!!!! LOL

Diana said...

BTW--I'm not trying to solicit the velvet antler, just mentioning that that is something I found to work for "me". Everyone has to find something for themselves. I am 100% behind it (for me) and I do back it, but not going to push it.

Kori Bliffert, NASM-CPT said...

I will keep it in mind. The docs down here are just as "smart" as up there! HA!!

P. J. said...

Thanks for the shout out Kori, I look forward to seeing you progress as we balance the body. I'll put my disclaimer in here for anyone else that might be reading. We don't attempt to cure anything or treat medical conditions. We just find where the body is out of balance and then using whole-food supplements support the system and when it is balanced it can heal itself. And like Kori said, don't stop seeing your doc or taking your meds.