Wednesday, April 4, 2007


So recently I hit a plateau with my weight loss. I couldn't break the plateau of 135-136. For me, and for most, plateaus are frustrating! I have a goal in mind and I have a date that my goal MUST be achieved by and the plateaus that I might come across can either break me or make me. For awhile, it was breaking me. I kept thinking to myself..."Why am I busting my ass for nothing to happen?". Then I would realize that the reason why I am busting my ass is because I want to achieve a goal. Plateaus are always something everyone is going to go through, especially in losing weight. So to break my plateau, my wonderful husband and I sat down last week and looked at what I was doing for my workouts and my eating and tried to find out why I couldn't break the plateau. To make a long story short, I added more food to my diet (protein and veggies only) and decided to keep my workouts simple, but hard. And like a wave of the magic wand I have broken my plateau! I have lost another 3 pounds! So don't get frustrated and give up when you hit a plateau. Infact, make it more of a competition between you and the plateau. Sit down and look at what you are doing for your workouts and dieting and switch it up! Your body will thank you!

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